I don't know what my yearly mileage will be.....what should I do?


There may be a number of reasons why you are unsure of your yearly mileage. For example, you may be changing roles, jobs or moving home, you could be given a different area of responsibility to work in or you may gain a new customer or business contact in a new area. iSpecial Mobility recommends looking at your distance mileage over the last two or three years and considering your personal circumstances and any other external factors which may affect how far you drive each year.

Our teams are experienced in these conversations and are happy to help you select the right mileage for your contract. It is important to note that excess charges apply in the event that you exceed the contracted mileage.

If you think you are going to exceed your annual mileage, or are driving less miles than you thought, please contact your Account Manager or our Client Services Team for advice.

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